Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tainted Sundays

My beloved Hawks lost today.  Our vaunted Defense was shredded, bit by bit, with every DeMarco Murray and Terrance Williams touch.  Our normally steely and ferocious defense looked like impotent kittens.

It was a rough game. The box scores tell an even worse story than the score does.  Particularly telling is the first down completions...where the Cowboys ran over us at a rate of almost 3-1.  The pall of being behind settled over my living room crowd early.  The San Diego game notwithstanding, it's been a while since we, as a team, have been less than absolutely dominant.  As fans, we've gotten used to the last minute drives and Richard Sherman miracles that snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

With child-like faith, I waited...but no miracle came, today.  A sharp but necessary reminder that my Heroes are not Gods but Men who will occasionally have a bad day and be out played.  I refuse to make excuses.  Today, I believe the better team won and I am forced to eat every single joke I have made about Romo.  They do NOT taste good. 

Teeny Human was, of course, running around the house fully Hawked out after our family pictures (Yes...we took our family pictures in Hawks gear.  It seemed appropriate. Sorry Buscha.  Love you!)  Football games are still kind of boring for him when we're at home.  He loves being at the stadium but at home mostly he'll just run between us and Curious George in the other room, screaming "Touchdown" and "Go Hawks...WHOOO!" maniacally at the appropriate times.

Fandom, football or otherwise, is a strange thing.  (Btw...anyone who tries to tell you football fandom is different than, say Sherlockians or Whovians or Brennenites...lets get something clear...I am a fan of all of those things and it is NO different.  The obsession is the same, the only thing that changes is what you obsess over.) It tends to take you over in the moment.  I SOBBED while watching the season premier of Bones this year, laughed maniacally when Moriarity returned and I teared up today over the obvious agony of Victor Cruz.  "Fan" is a derivative "Fanatic" which is literally defined as a "person with excessive single-minded zeal".  Rational thought really isn't a major part of the equation and verbally expressing our anger over a bad game is often as uncensored as our jubilant celebration of a good one.

As the mood turned dark in my living room, today, I realized that it will be the last time the Hawks are behind that I watch the game the rest of the way through..  I will not ask my guests or CASH to change the way they are fans.  Fandom doesn't work that way.  My sister in law has season tickets for Huskey Football.  We used to go together a LOT.  We both love college ball and crisp fall days, sneaking in alcohol (ssshhh....) and hot chocolate and Top Pot.  But after a game one Saturday, I talked some trash, she really didn't like it and rather than change the way I "fan" I have refused to attend a game with her since.  And it isn't because I'm's because I refuse to dial down my passion and she shouldn't have to be uncomfortable.

We are not 'fandom compatible'.  And that's just needs to be recognized so that no one gets upset or feels to awkward.  And, as the only parents in our Sunday Group of Football Fans, we see the bad mood that settles on a group of fans during a loss differently--it's our JOB to keep in mind, constantly, the big blue-grey eyes that see everything and a mind that absorbs all it hears.  And football, while it can show us the best of people, can certainly show us the worst, as well.

So, next time the Hawks are behind, Teeny Human and I will be taking a walk or maybe playing Candy Land or Play-Dough with a movie in the back bedroom.  Anything to keep him occupied and distracted while the world crumbles around the ears of the rest of our House of 12s. Not because I judge any of them for the way they love the game.  I can't.  I love it that way too. I get that it's not healthy or wise or balanced but...I'm a fan.  By definition, I don't care.

But I want Teeny Human to continue to see football as a family tradition that brings us all closer together.  And when you spend your Sundays bouncing between Curious George and Red Zone, all you're REALLY going to know is that when football goes South, so does the mood in the house.  Eventually, anyone would start to resent something that had the ability to ruin a whole perfectly good day.

CASH and I took Teeny to the park after the game.  We breathed in the wind, rolled down hills and laughed deep belly laughs that purged the loss from our system.  Teeny brought us out of it, as he always does...partially because it's silly to let a GAME ruin our family time but mostly because he's just himself..funny and a little zany and cooky, totally unaffected by a stalled offense and Swiss Cheese defense.  Looking at him, all big blue eyes and giggles bubbling out of him, I knew I was making the right decision AND getting the best end of the deal.

Win me. :)

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